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Holiday preparation guide!

Holiday preparation guide!


This season is a massive opportunity for success given the right deals and strategies to make sure that you take complete advantage of the rush. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers are expected to spend a total of $1007 on average this season, the spending habits are expected to increase an approximate of 4.5% from last year. So, it's not too late to get on the holiday's train! Here are several ideas to get you moving if you haven’t started already:

Get your clients excited. You can encourage them by creating a detailed plan for your discounts, promotions or offers. Here is how:
  • Evaluate your needs, you may have extra stock or seasonal products ready. Choose your promotion accordingly.
  • Keep track of purchases, stock and client's behavior. Brainstorm ideas, and get the offer that will help your product to sell fast!
  • Identify end dates of the promotion and set a realistic goal, this will help you plan the size of the campaign and what you will need accordingly.
  • Create a marketing campaign. Get yourself on social media it's a great way to let your clients know you are also participating in the season.
  • Make sure that at the end of the season you gathered information about the promotion, to help you identify what helped you and what didn’t.
  • You can learn from this experience and apply it to create better campaigns next time!



Social media is one of the best ways to promote a business, it's easy to learn, to use and its free. It allows you to connect and develop great relationships with your clients. The NRF estimates that 55% of consumers this season will make their purchases online. So Its very important to establish an online presence and offer your products online. Take into account the shoppers perspective, and the commodity that online shopping provides them.
Establish yourself in a social platform or create a website where you can upload your products and promote them. If you already have a social media platform or a website, make sure to update your information so you won’t miss out on some sales. Make sure your website is mobile friendly. There Is a considerable amount of prospects that make their online purchases in their mobile devices! Just make sure that your posts on the platform are consistent, so you will be in their minds when they shop.

Good customer service is always important, but during this season your customers will be happier to get a top service! Make sure you practice and get a very positive attitude and service for the holiday and make sure to keep it all year around. There are many things that you can do to upgrade the service in the holidays:

  • Send personalized e-mails or messages to the most loyal customers. A small congratulations come a long way and will make them keep you in mind when ordering something.
  • Think about getting your online or physical store a holiday look, people love the holiday spirit and it will help them know you are also participating and offering something that they are looking for in a gift.
  • Offer services and perks to stay on the competition, you can get customers in with free shipping or gift wrapping options. This is a must and will help the customer decide faster to acquire your products instead of the competition.


With these simple steps, you can improve exponentially the impact you have in your customer base, keeping up with the seasons and getting ready helps you manage your business better and increases your profits considerably.

Stay in tune for your next Pro Advice & enjoy the holidays!


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