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Ideas for fresh & trendy Social Media Content

Ideas for fresh & trendy Social Media Content

When your followers on any platform are craving for new content all the time and you are supposed to juggle all your social media platforms. This can get pretty tiresome fast, and when the ideas are not flowing well, your social media can look pretty repetitive or a bit stale, so it's very important to come up with great and fresh ideas for all your social media platforms (aka. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, you name it). So we have created this blog to help you come up with great and fresh social media content for them!
And not just that, we have compiled amazing ideas in one cheat sheet that you can print and leave by your laptop or computer for quick inspiration. Don’t miss it out and let’s get started!
First things first, we like to make emphasis on organization, one of the crucial parts of coming up with inspiration is to actually have an idea of how many posts are you going to go for on the week or month and try to plan starting from it.
Using a calendar or an organizer can help you keep an idea of how many posts you need inspiration for and will give you a clear view of all the type of posts and content you can cover with the posts you have already while you wait for inspiration to come. With that you can select how many are only for sharing pictures, comments, articles, and even create contests, ask questions or a mini-series of the same topic.
Getting easier now?
Followers in social media are always looking for the best content, news, trends, products, and pictures, but how will you know that what you write will stand out from the rest of the posts? For this, you will need to keep yourself updated with what is going on in the area that your business specializes in.
Some tips to keep you on the loop are:
1. Research influencers that appeal to your area of interest and follow them
2. Set up alerts for specific profiles and news sections related to your business
3. Check out what’s trending on your social media every day
4. Join groups on social media of interest
5. Subscribe to social media blogs
6. Listen to podcasts or news
These are just some ideas of what you can do to start getting relevant information, this will help you find out what are the hottest or trendiest topics.
After setting goals and feeling confident with all the relevant information you have, you can now begin generating ideas, to come up with them you will need to reserve a bit of time, you can also do it by yourself, or call a couple coworkers or friends to get a different perspective and a way to generate more ideas, Here are some of the most common ways in which you can begin your brainstorming process:
Spark your creativity with inspiring images, words, materials, and videos. You can structure your creative ideas with thematic boards that are relevant to your business and the lifestyle you are portraying. You can generate video, pictures, stories and more as post ideas when you prioritize.
Another style of brainstorming in which you place yourself in somebody else’s shoes, this helps you view the topics from different perspectives and come up with fresh ideas. You can make this exercise with coworkers or friends, to create more ideas and scenarios.
This is a good exercise to get free of old patterns, assumptions and ideas we have lingering for a long time on our heads. Start by writing all ideas that you can come up with, no matter how silly they could be, and challenge them by questioning whether they may work the way you need or not!
To begin your brainstorming, you can also use this great cheat sheet as a quick list of ideas you can incorporate for your social media posting, I’m sure they will be very useful to you!
Hope we had given you useful tips and ideas for all your social media posting for quite a while! Feel free to give us your opinions on what is your favorite way to brainstorm and create your own posts! We are happy to hear from you.
Next article Ready to sell online? Expand your business: E-commerce tips

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